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While creating our company we ran into two huge ethical dilemmas. When producing our clothing, do we go with the cheaper and quicker route that consists of child labor and sweatshops, or the route that takes longer and is more exspensive but does not use sweatshops and child laborers? We decided to go with the way we would be proud of in our city- there are absolutley no sweatshops and no child laborers. We chose to emulate brands like American Apparel and Threads 4 Thought that are sweatshop free and do not use child laborers. While doing our research we were so inspired and decided to add something even more unique to our brand. The proceeds of each T- Shirt purchased go towards helping a chid in need recieve an education because they would not be fortunate enough to recieve one otherwise.


When working on our makeup shop, we ran into the dilemma if we were going to make our products eco-friendly even though that is more expensive and takes longer to manufacture.  We looked at all the possible formulas to go into making our  products and decided that the only way to feel proud of our creation for our city would be if they were completeley eco friendly. We decided to make ALL of our bottles recycalable and refillable.

Another diemma we ran into while working on our makeup was the question of testing our products on animals. We reasearched all possible methods of testing our products and testing on animals was the cheapest and fastest way we would make profit. Again, we want to be proud of our work!  Therefore, we do not test on animals. 


Running into these ethical dilemma's really taught us that not only in buisness and creations, but in life we will run into all kinds of ethical dilemmas-big and small. From the starting point of our company we vowed to make all of our work in the best way possible. We do not want to promote things in our city that we are not proud of. 

Our Company in Detail:  Ethical Dilemma

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